
Privacy & Cookie Policy {{brand}}

{{brand}} {{icw}} is the registered owner of these prize draw service websites and owns all rights, including the sites' respective IP, copyrights and trademarks.

{{brand}} {{icw}} organizes contests where participants have a chance to win great prizes. Why? Our clients like to get in touch with potential customers to inform them about great offers of their products and services. This is done via email, phone, text messaging (SMS) and via personalized ads. By participating in our contests and promotions you agree for our clients to approach you accordingly.

{{brand}} has wealth of lifestyle and demographic data that we collect directly and openly from consumers. We do this by publishing a variety of online consumer surveys and conducting a range of permission based direct mail and telemarketing activities on a range of different websites. {{brand}} allows consumers to engage with specific brands or categories of products and services they have indicated they wish to hear from. {{brand}} provides a range of other services to companies using our database.

One of {{brand}}'s key business objectives is commitment to open and transparent information practices: informing individuals about how we collect and use personal information and protect the information privacy of those individuals. Personal information is information about an identified individual or one who is reasonably identifiable.

{{brand}} complies with the AU Privacy Act 1988 including the AU Privacy Principles and other AU regulations such as the AU Do Not Call Register Act 2006, the AU Spam Act 2003, UK Data Protection Act 1998, General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR), the (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 which govern how it must handle personal information (Privacy Act) and the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act, 2013 (South Africa). Our Privacy Policy explains how we do this.

{{brand}} {{icw}} is owned and operated by {{company}}

{{brand}} may change the Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices and privacy regulation. Any changes will come into effect when an updated Privacy Policy is posted to our website.

Direct Collection

{{brand}} processes the personal information you provide us when entering our contests and engage with our websites. We are very careful to protect and maintain the highest security standards. Following an overview of the data that we process:

First and Last name, gender, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail, other personal information you actively provide, location data, information about your activity on our website, information about your browsing behavior across different websites, IP address and internet browser and device type.

Indirect Collection

We may also collect information via technology including cookies about you from our websites when you visit which is added to your details if we have collected them and which is used in conjunction with the other information about you, including for enhancing your experience.

A cookie is a small piece of computer code which remains on your computer and contains information which helps us identify your browser and previous information viewed in relation to our service. When you visit our websites the cookie records certain details including the date, time and advertising content of that site. The information we collect in this way may include your Internet service provider’s address, date and time of your visit, Pages accessed and type of browser used.

If you do not want us to use cookies then you can easily stop them, or be notified when they are being used, by adopting the appropriate settings on your browser. If you do not allow cookies to be used, some or all of our website might not be accessible to you.

We may collect information about you from someone else but we will take reasonable steps to ensure you are aware of the information collected and the circumstances of collection. We may also share your details with identity verification organisations which help other organisations verify your identity and prevent others from misusing your details.

Anonymous Third Party Cookies

When you visit our websites and you register or sign up we may set an anonymous third party cookie on your browser. When this cookie is set, all information that would make it personally identifiable is removed. The anonymous third party cookies allow advertisers to target or customize their online advertisements.

For more information about behavioral advertising/targeted advertising, please visit: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/your-privacy-rights/advertising-and-marketing/targeted-advertising/

You can discard cookies to be stored on your web browser. Alternatively, you can delete all the information stored previously on your browser setup. For more information. Please visit: http://www.aboutcookies.org/

Why we collect Personal Information and what is it used for?

{{brand}} use the personal information we collect for various purposes, including:

  1. to send you information, offers and promotions about products and services based on your preferences and any prize notifications (Offers) by mail, phone/SMS/MMS, Push Notification or email;
  2. in information products and information management services provided to clients and to assist clients to manage consumer information and strengthen communications between consumers, businesses and service providers;
  3. to administer our database of personal information including improving and personalizing Offers, verifying and assessing your identity, maintaining and updating records, developing new products and services;
  4. to enable brands and advertisers you select to communicate with you;
  5. to provide information to third parties to enable them to give you Offers and additional information;
  6. to improve the quality and quantity of information on our websites; and for statistical and marketing analysis and analytics.
  7. where appropriate, relevant (and with consent) communicate your data to our trusted Partners. You may object to this processing at any time by contacting us through our GDPR representative in the United Kingdom by clicking: Here

Third Party communication may be from the following categories; Astrology, Charity, Competition Sites, Daily Deals, Financial, Gambling, General Marketing, Personal Injury, Shopping, Subscription, Survey, Telecommunication, Travel, Utilities.

You may opt-out of receiving any Offers and information from {{brand}} at any time simply by submitting a request in writing or under the relevant Offer or communication. You can opt out of receiving any Offers and information from a third party to whom we provide your information under the relevant Offer or communication, from that third party.

How do I unsubscribe?

You may opt-out of receiving any Offers and information from {{brand}} at any time simply by going to the unsubscribe page . You can opt out of receiving any Offers and information from a third party to whom we provide your information under the relevant Offer or communication, from that third party.

To whom do we disclose the Personal Information?

We disclose personal information to our clients and advertisers, third party agents, service providers and contractors only for purposes consistent with the reasons for collecting the information set out in this Privacy Policy.

Some of the recipients of the personal information, including some of our service providers, are based overseas, in a wide variety of countries (including NZ, US, EU, Philippines, India and South Africa). Before we disclose personal information to local or overseas recipients we take reasonable steps to ensure they have privacy practices that are at least as protective as the AU Privacy Principles, the GDPR 2018 and the POPI Act, 2013. You consent to the disclosure of your personal information on that basis.

We may disclose personal information to any person or authority where we are required to by law. Other than set out in our Privacy Policy, we will not disclose your personal information without your prior consent.

We may share your contact information with our partner WINR Data Pty Ltd. (WINR) and their global partners for the purpose of: ID Protection - preventing others from misusing your details. This may include ID validation for anti-money laundering, anti-fraud, preventing crime, asset recovery, debt collection and reuniting people with unclaimed assets. Advertising - providing offers that are relevant to you. This may involve data analysis, matching, profiling and predicting behaviours so you may receive advertising that is more relevant to you. WINR and their partners will retain your information for as long as necessary to perform these functions. You can opt-out of all WINR activity by contacting their Privacy Officer. Privacy Policy

Our security and retention policies

We are committed to ensuring security of the personal information we hold. We take reasonable steps to protect any personal information to prevent misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorized access, alteration and disclosure.  {{brand}} holds personal information electronically and in hard copy form. Such information is stored both or own properties and with assistance of our service providers, we include the use of secure servers to store the data. These servers are based in the EU. Further, we secure the information that you provide us as following:

  • Security steps for access to our business holdings
  • Security procedures within our locations
  • IT security including high-end password protection, firewalls and site monitoring

In the case that {{brand}} no longer needs your personal information, we will take the necessary steps to destroy and dismiss it, though we may need to retain certain information to meet company related legal requirements.

{{brand}} does not have control over information while in transit over the internet. We cannot guarantee security of personal information during this form of transmission. Our website may include links to other websites as form of advertising, and we do not take responsibility for/nor endorse the content of those other websites or their privacy practices. You consent and understand that it is up to you to review the privacy policies of those websites.

How to access, correct or delete your Personal Information

 {{brand}} works to ensure that all personal information about you that we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Primarily, we do this by collecting information directly from you.

If you: want to obtain access to any personal information that we hold about you, or believe any of your personal information that we hold is inaccurate, incomplete or it is not necessary to hold it; or want to delete your personal information from our database, you can contact us via email or post, and we will use reasonable efforts to resolve your request within 30 days. We may charge a reasonable fee to cover our costs of responding to your information requests.

If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of this Privacy Policy or the privacy laws of your local jurisdiction, you are entitled to contact us using the details below. You will need to provide us with details concerning your complaint, together with supporting evidence and a copy of your passport or drivers license.

How to contact {{brand}}?

You can contact the Data Protection Officer on: {{email}}

If you have a query related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the following information: {{brand}}. Attn: Privacy Commissioner


We may make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. You should check this page regularly to see our most up to date policy. We will tell you about any changes to this privacy policy by showing the date of the changes in the Last updated section on top.


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site.

Cookie Name Purpose
{{domain}} _fbp We use cookies to track the source of your visit to the website.
cdn.formulead.com ck_stp lid plc scr We use cookies to track the source of your visit to the website.

If you have questions regarding the privacy policy please contact us by following the link or by writing to the address above or by emailing {{email}}

Copyright – 2021 {{brand}}

Last update: 8th December 2022